Hello Beautiful! I am Amoya Shante, your Manifestation & Mindset Mentor

I've coached and inspired hundreds of gorgeous souls to transform their mindsets, fall in love with life again, and manifest lives of absolute FREEDOM.

Hello Beautiful! I am Amoya Shante (The Subconscious Reprogramming Queen) and your certified Manifestation Mentor!

Hello Beautiful! I am Amoya Shante, your Manifestation & Mindset Mentor

I've coached and inspired hundreds of gorgeous souls to transform their mindsets, fall in love with life again, and manifest lives of absolute FREEDOM .

Money Mindset Coaching for Women

I help women transform their money mindsets so they can manifest the wealth they truly desire.

As Seen In

Hola, Beautiful Soul!

I am an entrepreneur, mom of four girls, fiance to the most amazing soul ever, and digital course creator who sold all my possessions to travel the world full-time as a former single mom of three.

I am master NLP practitioner certified by Yager Training Company in the following areas: Quantum Time Technique Practitioner, Practitioner Hypnotherapist Certification, Certified Neuro-Linguistics Programming Life Coach, and Certified Practitioner of Nuero-Linguistics Programming.

After traveling the world full-time as well as living abroad in Canada, Puerto Rico, Belgium, Panama, and Mexico, I was inspired to start my very own online business teaching women how to transform their relationships with themselves and money so they can manifest their dream life.

I've coached and inspired hundreds of gorgeous souls to break free from their limiting beliefs and create lives of absolute FREEDOM.

I have a heart centered approach that will help you go from feeling stuck and lost to feeling empowered and clear on the steps you need to take to create your joyful dream life.

I am passionate about helping people transform their mindsets so they can create wildly wealthy lives of FREEDOM!

My Blog

we are leaving mexico

We are leaving Mexico (Again)

April 10, 20234 min read

Leaving behind the beauty of Mexico is not a goodbye, but an invitation to discover the world's endless wonders, to embrace new cultures and experiences, and to create memories that will forever enrich the meaning of our lives. - Amoya Shante

The Decision:

leaving mexico

I woke up early one morning a few weeks ago.

The power was out in our house again. It's been happening frequently on our street. Baby Gaia was already awake giggling and waiting for her morning cuddles from her big sisters.

She didn't have to wait long before Novella and Alaya came bursting through our bedroom door.

Our little family all together in the family bed.

I thought to myself, I want more of this minus the power outage of course.

The giggles woke Julio.

We let him know the power was out again.

He takes care of everything. He takes care of us.

And then it comes...

The idea.

The moment.

Something deep in my soul that had been coming up for months but I kept pushing it back down because it seemed absolutely insane.

I looked at Julio who was still trying to wipe the sleep from his eyes and said, "Do you want to go on adventure around the world?".

He said, "Yes!".

There was no hesitation.

No need for a second thought.

It was decided.

8 Reasons

With that decision made, here is everything that has happened since.

The Beginning

We are leaving our beloved Mexico again.

When I felt the pull to move back to Mexico in July 2021 with my three daughters, I had no idea the life that was about to unfold right before my eyes.

First, I had to navigate one of my daughters deciding she did not want to move back to Mexico.

There were so many emotions.

I raised her to have a voice and I needed to respect the fact that she was using it.

We decided she could stay behind and live with a good friend of ours so she could try out life in the US and traditional public school.

It's been over a year and a half now and she still loves living in the US.

The Move Back To Mexico

Shortly after moving back to Mexico, I met my soulmate, found my dream home, built a soul aligned business, grew it to 6 figures, had my dream engagement, and gave birth to my beautiful baby girl, Gaia Soul.

I know. That's a lot.

The past nearly two years in Mexico have been the most magical years of my life so far and I’ll be forever grateful.

Pregnancy was challenging. I had not motivation or inspiration and I never wanted to leave the house.

I spent most of my pregnancy in bed sick.

After having my baby girl, the desire to travel hit me all over gain and not just any travel but full-time travel.

If you are familiar with my journey you already know this is not my first time living the full-time travel life.

Nearly 7 years ago, after getting out of an unhealthy marriage, I sold all my possessions, and took off for an adventure with my three daughters that lasted for two and a half years

Now the desire is back and now feels like the right time.

We are excited and scared at the same time.

Our launch date is August 2023 in less than 4 months from now.

And we will be getting rid of most of our possessions all over again so nothing will be holding us back.

The goal is to simplify our life and biz while exploring this big beautiful world.

We have no end date.

We don’t have much planned but we will be sharing everything we discover along the way.

How We Are Preparing For Full-Time Travel

Right now our focus is on saving and getting all legal documents situated before we launch.

Our 18-year-old only has her emergency passport since she doesn’t have an ID so our primary focus is getting her travel documents done right now.

Everyone else is good to go!

We will start listing things for sale this week.

We already informed family and friends plus our amazing home team. (This was very emotional because they have become our family.)

Our life is beautiful here so to leave for the unknown has me feeling all types of emotions.

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t scared.

At the same time I am so excited and so is the fam. 

We are shifting things in our business as well to go along with our travels. For the past nearly two years, we have been running the Money Manifestation Academy.

The Academy is huge and goes deep. It also includes weekly sessions with me and wifi is important.

We will need to schedule the times we open the doors to the Academy for when we are in places with reliable strong wifi.

In the meantime we are building and launching a membership site for the soul called the Soft Life Queens.

Since there will only be monthly calls with me instead of weekly, we have a lot more flexibility with our travels.

We are so excited to open doors to the brand new Aligned YOU Collective on May 1st.

Stay tuned for more regular post on all things life, biz, travel, manifestation, and living abroad. 

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Money Mindset Coaching for Women

I help women transform their money mindsets so they can manifest the wealth they truly desire.

Copyright © 2022 Amoya Shante | Website by Gold Star Pro
Copyright © 2022 Amoya Shante | Website by Gold Star Pro